About Me

Name      :  Mohd Jazli

Race       :  Malaysian

Hobby     :  Playing keyboard ( musical instrument ) , Jamming

subject    :  Biology & Add Math

Passion    : Understanding how our brain behaves and work

Objective : I want to share my understanding of how the brain behaves based from the 
                  book I just read through this blogg. Furthermore, I want to explain how does 
                  it relate to islamic teachings in certain aspects, based from my understanding.
                  Besides that, I want to remember all the things I learnt (about the book I 
                  read) by documenting it in this blogg.

A few words I want to say : I am NOT a certified neurologist so do correct me if you find
                                           something weird or wrong. Besides that, I find it a loss to
                                           me and others if I do not share this few knowledge that 