Sunday 4 December 2011

Pay attention !

Paying attention means placing your full conscious on only one element in your sight. Example, as you are reading this article, your attention is shifted only to this text as your brain strives to understand what I am trying to say here. You are not fully aware what is happening around you althought it maybe in your plain sight, a mosquito may just has passed by or your little brother had just tried his new crayon on your biology book behind this laptop you are using now but your attention is not there.

Our brain can not  pay attention at more than one thing at once which demonstrates how amazing our brain is and how weak we are. Allah Sees everything and is fully aware of it while we on the other hand, sees only what our eyes behold us and even that, we can only be aware of an element in our sight.

For those of you who said they can do excellent multi-tasking like browsing through your facebook and doing your math homework at the same time. You are not giving your attention to both things at once instead you actually shifts your attention from browsing the facebook, to homework, to facebook and so on but the question is...which gets more of your attention? How long did you spent your time paying attention to the facebook and how long did you spent on homework? Propotion 3:2? 4:1? 5:1?

Another more serious situation is when you are driving your car ( I don't find it impossible for those without liscence to drive, I've seen most people do it ) you must be attentive of your surrounding. In most cases accidents happens when the driver is too greedy to pay attention to things that needs it. Those daredevils( literally devils as they endager other drivers ) who text message while driving  are most at risk of having a collision because as they text message, their attention are placed on the phone ( if expensive phone masih okay lagi la ) only. At that point, they have no awarness of what's happening on the road until they shift their attention back to it.
Drivers also needs to broaden their attention target. Often times car drivers target their attention to other cars only which is the reason why motorcyclists often involve in accidents ( excluding mat rempits, they ask for it ). A motorcyclist may just be in your field of sight but he may not grab your attention

Hence, it is advisable to do one thing at one time in order that your brain are able to focus and be fully engage with that thing. For those who allocates time for each activity ( facebook morning, homework night, tv afternoon ? ) give yourself a round of applause. No applause for me though. Besides that, be aware of your surrounding while driving, talking to the phone while driving will not help.

To demonstrate my point, try this experiment below. Pay attention !


  1. Testing comment..

    Haha, I love that experiment.. Btw, if you want to put that video into this entry, just go to youtube, dekat share tu, ada embed.. Tekan, nanti ada code keluar, copy and paste je kat entry ni.. Nanti video terus appear dalam entry ni..

    Kalau awk letak link situ, nanti bila teacher tekan, terus tukar dari awk punya blog ke youtube, satu disadvantage di situ, org tak stay di blog awk lama2, hehe~ (paham tak?)

  2. thnx for the input. appreciate it.
